So sorry, but this post is a super specific study spot. Basically, if you’re not a Civil Engineer or Mechanical Engineer, you will never be able to find it (unless you follow behind one of them…but even then you might get lost). Welcome to the Findley Learning Center in G.G. Brown. Why will you never find this spot? Probably because G.G. Brown is the most confusing building on North Campus (and probably one of the most awful looking one…). But anyway, why would this study spot be of any interest?

Well, let’s see. This is a great place to get homework help – it is the office hours location for ME students after all. But, at night, this place is dead. There is a ton of table space, no one to bother you, and only people working diligently around. Like I said, you probably won’t find it on your own, but if you know one of these majors, recommend it to them. It’ll blow their mind how awesome it is at night. Wait. Maybe this secret shouldn’t be publicized…oh well, you won’t find it anyway………..

Bottom Line: Great spot for homework help or late night silence for ME and CEE majors!