Follow the Maze to the Findley Center

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So sorry, but this post is a super specific study spot. Basically, if you’re not a Civil Engineer or Mechanical Engineer, you will never be able to find it (unless you follow behind one of them…but even then you might get lost). Welcome to the Findley Learning Center in G.G. Brown. Why will you never find this spot? Probably because G.G. Brown is the most confusing building on North Campus (and probably one of the most awful looking one…). But anyway, why would this study spot be of any interest?

Well, let’s see. This is a great place to get homework help – it is the office hours location for ME students after all. But, at night, this place is dead. There is a ton of table space, no one to bother you, and only people working diligently around. Like I said, you probably won’t find it on your own, but if you know one of these majors, recommend it to them. It’ll blow their mind how awesome it is at night. Wait. Maybe this secret shouldn’t be publicized…oh well, you won’t find it anyway………..

Bottom Line: Great spot for homework help or late night silence for ME and CEE majors!

Dude. Where’s My Lib?


If you’re an engineer, there is no reason you shouldn’t be familiar with this place: the Dude. If you’re not an engineer, odds are you haven’t made it to the Dude (unless of course, you have engineering friends that want a study buddy on some random day that all engineers are busy doing other things). Well, no matter who you are, you can probably find a study spot that suits your needs at the Dude.

So, first of all, if you’re looking for the Dude, you might also want to look for the Duderstadt. That’s the real name of the 24-hour library housed on north campus. It’s actually the art, architecture, and engineering library, and all those types of students use and abuse this place. In addition to the typical “library” atmosphere, there are a bunch of additional “features” this place has (video game room, 3D printing, interview/study rooms, super-duper large computer screens, etc.).

The Dude. Cool. What are the different study spots to appeal to your every need? Well, here’s the break-down. More



So no, this isn’t a fake post. It’s about the Psych Atrium in East Hall (you know that Math/Psychology building right off Church street). Some people never realized there is an atrium with chairs, lots of chairs in East Hall. And actually, there are two atriums in East Hall (there’s also one on the math side of the building).

So why on earth would someone want to study in the Psych Atrium? More

Home Sweet Home

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So, I know, not a public spot on campus, but most students do have a room in the campus area (whether that be in a dorm, an apartment, a house, etc.). For some people it is a safe haven – a place where they feel most comfortable; for others, it’s a great study space. A nice desk, organized just the way you want, with no one else to screw it up. Access to food and water when you need to get your energy level up (coffee to keep you awake…). A zone to just sit down and do your work.

I am not that kind of person. More

Pierpont Cafe – Wait, Where’s That?

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Pierpont Cafe. It’s an interesting place. Most people have no idea where this place is located. If you can locate Pierpont Commons (it’s a student union, fyi) you’re half way there. It’s basically the highest level in the building – about the 1.5th floor. I would try and explain how to get there, but it probably won’t mean much. If you go at lunchtime, just follow the noise and the smell…….


Study Spot Numero Uno: The UGLi, 2nd Floor

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So Friday night, when many students like to go out and about I was one of those special individuals to hump it out to the library. Now I chose the 2nd floor of the UGLi on this particular night because of its reputation. The Shapiro Undergraduate Library, located directly in between West Hall and the Graduate Library, is known for being the “go to” spot for group work. Most of the floors are group friendly, but the higher the floor number, the quieter it gets. So, if you plan on having a dynamic brainstorming session or a heated debate, please, don’t wander up to the 4th floor, you WILL get some glares. More

It’s almost nap time!

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Before I get to studying today…I have to recharge my batteries (aka my eyes and my brain). Thus, I am going to take a nap. Right now though, I’m in class. Yes, in class, blogging. I swear, it’s a blogging class. It’s legit. Nap once I get back to my apartment – so at about 3:15 – then I have to be down by Yost at 5:30…so it’ll be a short nap. (It takes me FOREVER to fall asleep for a nap…) Then after 7:30, I’ll head out to the library for a glorious night of studying. I’ll probably hit up the UGLi. It’s a popular spot to study, and (most) undergrads are familiar with it. I mean, it is the UnderGraduate Library.

New at this…

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