The Michigan Union. Is anything more well-known to students than this building?

Although a very recognizable building, it’s not my favorite place to study. The basement is where the food court is, so that’s the natural place of student congregation. Because of this, it gets very loud very quickly. A student group that I’m a part of has “study tables” in the Union Basement once a week, and never do we get work done. The basement (especially in the evenings) is a socializing area, not a studying one. There is the Tap room in the basement (it’s a room separated by a door frame) and sometimes that suitable for studying, but not always. General warning about the basement: the tables MIGHT BE STICKY! Just be aware before you set down that final art project…

I have also been in the first floor “reading room.” That is a quiet room – and I’ve only found pleasure reading (a.k.a. Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand)  do-able in such a quiet room. Other people seemed to be getting some studying done, but it was too quiet for me.

Rumor has it there is a computer lab below the basement…if you’re looking for a computer in the Union (the Tap Room ones are taken), you might trying get down there. And no, I’m not trying to send you on a wild goose chase, more of an adventure!