So this isn’t a study spot post, but rather a “venting” post. Even though I’ve been suggesting various places to study around UM campus…I gotta ask myself “why am I studying so much?” I mean, I’ve been running on bare minimum sleep for a while now (I walked home from North Campus pretty late last night…so late that I don’t really want to post it here…). So what is all this studying for? I mean, I’m lucky, I have a job lined up after I graduate in April/May. So I basically just have to pass my classes. So again I ask, “why am I studying so much?”

Oh…right…senior design. If you aren’t familiar with senior design, it’s basically every engineering senior’s climax of college. You work hard, you become quite close (maybe a  little too close) with your group members, and for what? A grade? Well, that depends.

Sure I study a lot, but it’s not because I’m so uptight that I must get all “A’s” – instead it’s because I hate failure. I think I’ve done pretty well not too fail too much in life (which I know, you learn from your failures…blah blah blah). And to continue this “success” streak I just keep plugging away. If you have problems motivating yourself to study (when you know you really should), you just need to find your motivating factor. Me it’s the fear of failure, what’s yours?